CRPF Constables Recruitment 2023 for 9212 CRPF (Technical & Tradesmen) Posts APPLY Now

CRPF Constables Recruitment 2023 for 9212 CRPF (Technical & Tradesmen) Posts APPLY Now.
CRPF Constables Recruitment Notification 2023 Out for 9212 Posts. The willing candidates can apply for “CRPF Constables in Technical and Tradesmen Posts” now at Official Website Details explained below.

Directorate General, Central Reserve Police Force, East Block-7, Level-4, Sector-1, R.K. Puram, New Delhi, Pin – 110066 (Ministry of Home Affairs)GOI Helpline No. 011-26160255 Website – Advertisement Notice Recruitment for the post of Constable (Technical & Tradesmen) (Male/Female) –2023 in CRPF

CRPF Constables Recruitment 2023 for 9212 CRPF (Technical & Tradesmen) Posts APPLY Now

CRPF Constables Recruitment 2023 for 9212 CRPF (Technical & Tradesmen) Posts APPLY Now 

The CRPF will conduct an open competitive examination for recruitment of Indian citizens against vacancies prescribed for Male and Female candidates who are ordinarily residents of their respective States/UTs to fill up the vacancies of Constable (Technical & Tradesmen) in Central Reserve Police Force as per the Recruitment Scheme/Rules formulated by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

The recruitment process will consist of Computer Based Test, Physical Standards Test (PST), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Trade Test, Document Verification, Medical Examination

CRPF Constables Recruitment 2023 Overview

CRPF Constables Recruitment 2023 for 9212 CRPF Technical & Tradesmen Vacancies
Name of the Organization CRPF Central Reserve Police Force
Name of the Recruitment CRPF Constables Recruitment 2023 for 9212 CRPF Technical & Tradesmen Vacancies
Recruitment Year 2023
Vacancies 9212 [Male: 9105,Female: 107]
Advt No No.R.II-8/2023-Rectt-DA-10
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Online APPLY Last Date 25/04/2023
Recruitment Notice Advertisement Notice Recruitment for the post of Constable (Technical & Tradesmen) (Male/Female) –2023 in CRPF

Applications will be accepted ONLINE only. Hence, candidates are required to apply only online. No other mode for submission of application is allowed.
Recruitment will be conducted on domicile based pattern.
Computer Based Test will be conducted in English and Hindi.
Computer Based Test/Physical Standard Test (PST)/Physical Efficiency Test (PET) / Trade Test / 
Document Verification / Detailed Medical Examination (DME)/Review Medical Examination (RME) will be scheduled and conducted by the CRPF.

Category wise vacancies of Constable (Technical/Tradesmen) will be filled as per the vacancies available in various States/UTs. Final selection will be made on the basis of marks obtained in CBT.

Final result will be declared by the CRPF based on the performance of candidates in the CBT subject to their qualifying the PST/PET/ Trade test/Medical examination and other conditions stipulated in the Recruitment Notice.
Admit card for any stage of examination will not be sent by post. Facility for download of admit cards will be provided at the website of CRPF Candidates are advised to regularly visit the website of the CRPF for the updates on examination schedule and download Admit Cards for each stage of examination.

CRPF Recruitment 2023 for Constables Technical & Tradesmen Application Schedule

Date of Submission of online CRPF Constable Recruitment applications 27/03/2023
Last date for receipt of online applications & Online Fee Payment 25/04/2023
Release of Admit Card for Computer Based Test 20/06/2023 to
Schedule of Computer Based Test (Tentative) 01/07/2023 to

Post Wise Vacancies for CRPF Recruitment 2023 Constables

9,212 (Male-9105 & Female-107) vacancies to be filled through Constable (Technical/Tradesmen) Recruitment 2023

Below is the CRPF Constables Recruitment 2023 Post Wise Vacancies for MEN
Post Details Total
Driver 2372
Motor /Mechanic Vehicle 544
Cobbler 151
Carpenter 139
Tailor 242
Brass Band 172
Pipe Band 51
Buglar 1340
Gardner 92
Painter 56
Cook 2429
 Water Carrier
Washerman 403
Barber 303
Safai Karmachari 811
Total 9105

CRPF Constables Recruitment Post Wise Vacancies for WOMEN

Name of State Total
Bugler 20
Cook 46
Water Carrier
Washer Women 3
Hair Dresser 1
Safai Karmachari 13
Brass Band 24

Apart from the above there are Vacancies for Pioneer Wing
VACANCIES FOR PIONEER WING: 11 (Male) vacancies of Constable(Pioneer) to be filled through Constable (Technical/Tradesmen) Recruitment 2023. These vacancies to be filled on all India basis. Details of Trade/Post wise vacancies are as under

CRPF Constables Recruitment 2023 Pay Scales

The Selected candidates will be appointed in the cadre of CRPF Technical & Tradesmen Cadre. They will be given the Central Pay Scales in the Pay Level-3. The Pay Scale is mentioned below.

  • PAY SCALE: Pay level-3 ( Rs. 21,700 – 69,100)
Apart from the Basic Pay of Rs 21,700, DA, HRA and other allowances will be admissible as per norms

CRPF Recruitment 2023 Eligibility Criteria – Age Limit

Candidates must be a citizen of India. Vacancies are State/UT wise, hence, a candidate must submit domicile/PRC against his/her State/UT.

Age Limit:
Constable(Driver):21-27 years as on 01/08/2023. Candidates should not have been born earlier than 02/08/1996 and later than 01/08/2002.

Constable (MMV/Cobbler/ Carpenter/ Tailor/Brass Band/Pipe Band/ Bugler/ Gardner/ Painter/Cook/Water Carrier / Washerman/Barber/SafaiKaramchari/Mason/Plumber/ Electrician: 18-23 years as on 01/08/2023. 

Candidates should not have been born earlier than 02/08/2000 and later than 01/08/2005.

Permissible relaxations in upper age limit for different categories are as under :
Category Age relaxation permissible beyond the upper age limit

  • SC/ST 5 Years
  • OBC  3 Years
  • Ex-Servicemen after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age as on the date of reckoning. 3 Years 
  • Children and dependent of victims killed in the 1984 riots or communal riots of 2002 in Gujarat
  • (Un-reserved) 5 Years
  • Children and dependent of victims killed in the 1984 riots or communal riots of 2002 in Gujarat
  • (OBC) 8 Years

CRPF Constables Recruitment 2023 Eligibility – Qualifications

Educational Qualifications (as on 01/08/2023)
Educational / Professional qualification of each trade/post is as under :

POST Type Required Qualification
CT/Driver Educational Qualification Minimum Matric or equivalent from a recognized Board, or university recognized by the Central or State Govt.
Technical Qualification Should possess Heavy Transport Vehicle Driving License and should pass the driving test at the
time of recruitment.
CT/ Mechanic Motor Vehicle Educational Qualification Minimum Matriculate or 10th Class pass in 10+2 examination system from a recognized board or equivalent.
Technical Qualification Possessing 02 years Industrial Training Institutes (ITI) certificate in Mechanic Motor Vehicle recognized by National or State Council for Vocational training or any other recognized institution and one year practical experience in the field of concerned trade OR National or State apprenticeship certificate in Mechanic Motor Vehicle trade of three year duration from a recognized institution and one year practical experience in the field of concerned Trade.
For all other Tradesmen Educational Qualification Minimum Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized Board, or university recognized by the Central or State Govt or equivalent Army qualification in case of Ex-Army Personnel.
Technical Must be proficient and worked in respective trades.
(Pioneer Wing) CT(Mason
/Plumber/ Electrician
Matriculation or equivalent from a
recognized Board.
Technical Qualification (a) One year experience in respective trades like Masonary or Plumbing or Electrician.
(b) Preference will be given to those having certificate of trade from recognized Industrial
Training Institute.

CRPF Constables Recruitment 2023 Application Fee Details

Application Fee:

  • Examination Fees @ Rs 100/- for male candidates of General, EWS and OBC only. 
  • Candidates belonging to SC/ST, Female (all categories) candidates & Ex-servicemen are exempted.
Fee can be paid online through BHIM UPI, Net Banking, by using Visa, Master card, Maestro, RuPay Credit, or Debit cards.
Applications received without the prescribed fee shall not be considered and summarily rejected. No representation against such rejection will be entertained. Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances nor will it be adjusted against any other examination or selection.

CRPF Recruitment 2023 Selection Process for CRPF Constables

Mode of Selection:

The recruitment process will consist of CBT, PST/PET, Trade Test, Documents verification and Medical Examination (DME/RME). Candidates scoring below mentioned cut off marks in CBT will be considered eligible for shortlisting to the next stage of recruitment process

The steps in the Selection process if as follows:
    1. Computer Based Written Test CBT
    2. Physical Standard Test PST
    3. Physical Efficiency Test PET
    4. Trade Test
    5. Document Verification
    6. Medical Examination

CRPF Constables Recruitment 2023 Computer Based Test

Computer Based Test:
The Computer Based Test will consist of one objective type paper containing 100 questions carrying 100 marks, with the following composition:

Part Subject Number of question Maximum Marks Duration / Time allowed
A General Intelligence
and Reasoning
25 25 02
B General Knowledge and
General Awareness
25 25
C Elementary mathematics 25 25
D English/Hindi 25 25
  • All questions will be of Objective Multiple Choice Type. The CBT will be conducted in English and Hindi only.
  • There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer. Candidates are, therefore, advised to keep this in mind while answering the questions.
  • The date & Centre of CBT will be informed to candidates via Admit Card only through the website of the CRPF.
  • There shall be no provision for re-evaluation/re-checking of the scores. No correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.
  • Marks scored by candidates in CBT will be normalized and such normalized scores will be used to determine final merit and cut off marks.
  • The questions in the CBT will be of Matriculation level.

How to APPLY for CRPF Constables Recruitment 2023

Candidates have to APPLY from the Official Website of CRPF INDIA Links are provided below

Steps to Apply
Applications must be submitted in ONLINE mode at the official website of the CRPF. For detailed instructions for submission of online application, please refer to Annexure-I of this advertisement.

Candidates can apply for the post/trade provided they fulfill the prescribed eligibility conditions.

The application portal will be operational from 27/03/2023 to 25/03/2023.

STEP-I Registration:

  • a. Candidates agreeing the terms & conditions may apply by clicking ‘I Agree’ checkbox given below and pressing the ‘Start’ button.
  • b. The candidates should fill up all the desired information i.e. Personal Details, Contact Details, etc correctly.
  • c. On completion of Step-I registration, a message will be received in candidate’s registered email ID conveying his/her login ID (Application Sequence Number) & Password.
  • d. The candidates has to log-out and log-in again (for Step-II) in order to fill up other details in application form.

STEP-II Completion of Application form:

  • e. After registration, candidate has to login and complete other details in application form like Personal Details, Qualification Details, and Declaration etc.
  • f. Instructions regarding scanning of Photograph and Signature: Candidates should upload the scanned (digital) image of their photograph and signature as per the process given below. The applicant should note that only JPG/JPEG format is acceptable:

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